Why a Marathon Training Plan is Essential for Endurance Runners

Endurance running is a beautiful sport that naturally enhances both our physical stamina and mental strength simultaneously. Endurance running serves to improve a person’s cardiovascular health, is often used for stress relief, and also is an enjoyable way to connect to a community. However, endurance running is also challenging. To be successful as a long-distance runner, having a well-developed training plan — such as a marathon training plan — is highly recommended.

Wait, I just want to train for a 10k run. Why do I have to train as hard as a marathon runner?

Even if you’re not looking to complete a full 42.2km marathon, adhering to a training program — similar to what marathon runners use — is still highly valuable. The principles of how to train for a marathon and endurance training are the same and should be approached similarly.

Avoid a Running Injury With a Personalized Endurance Training Plan

Injury is a leading reason runners end up leaving the sport of endurance running. Examples of common running injuries include:

  • Stress Fractures

  • Iliotibial Syndrome (ITBS)

  • Shin Splints

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Achilles Tendonitis

  • Runner’s Knee

Many running injuries happen because an athlete is poorly educated on how to identify injury warning signs and opt to “run through” the pain instead of working to prevent further complications. This attitude is dangerous, it can lead to an athlete enduring permanent damage. Unfortunately, it’s also prevalent for endurance runners. In the running community, misinformation about injury prevention and care is rampant. This is largely because running is a very personal sport; what works for one body may not for yours. 

Education and information is the best way to prevent long-term injuries. Personalized endurance training programs from qualified coaches are ideal for this purpose as they help athletes understand how their body responds to the demands of endurance running. This serves to prevent common running injuries from happening in the first place, as well as aid in a healthy recovery process if an injury does occur.  

Endurance Coaching Prevents Training Lulls

Plateaus, lulls, and general “training ruts” are a normal part of every endurance runner’s training process. And, when phases of minimal — or even nonexistent — results occur, it can be frustrating. So frustrating, in fact, that people often abandon the sport of running when they become stuck on an extended training plateau. Training ruts cause people to quit as they lead to feel they’re not meant to be a running athlete, or they’ve failed at the sport.

However, most running coaches will tell you that runners cannot move away from an endurance training lull because they haven’t adapted their running regime effectively. The athlete is likely just missing a piece of information that can help them adapt and overcome their current running challenges. Often, that missing piece of information is overlooked because the athlete hasn’t been tracking their performance and progress appropriately.

Consulting with an expert running coach who knows how to identify the cause behind a training lull and provide an individualized plan to reach the next level is an easy way to stay running. In addition to running specific tips and strategies, a running coach can provide nutrition advice and incorporate ancillary exercises to strengthen muscles essential to running.

Learn Effective Recovery with an Endurance Running Coach

When it comes to improving your running skills, rest is not an option. Rest is essential. And, proper recovery is critical for the body to recover from the demands and damage that endurance running has on the body. When rest is an integral part of a long-distance running program, it allows the athlete to build muscle faster, replenish depleted nutrients, and reduce the risk of injury.

How long-distance runners choose to rest between training sessions also affects the resulting quality and consistency of their workout results. Not surprisingly, how a runner should — and should not — rest is highly debated within the running and fitness community. Again, this is another area where a qualified and in-depth coaching plan can help a running athlete at every fitness level. They have biometric tools, such as INSCYD testing, to determine how the tested athlete should approach recovery between training sessions. This will maximize their progress as well as lengthen their running career.

Ensure Your Endurance Running Is Equipped for the Long Haul

Keep long-distance running part of your life in the long run by taking care of your body and equipping yourself properly to stay interested in the sport, stay motivated, and stay injury-free. At B78 Coaching, we’re here to help you keep your love for the sport alive and well with training programs specifically designed with your running goals in mind. We’ve helped several athletes achieve their running goals, and we can help you too. For more information on our running coaching services, connect with the B78 Coaching team. 


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How To Train For A Marathon